Thursday, October 16, 2008

Chipas coffee

This film really shows the dedication that people will do to survive and support their families. Peple all over the world are taking advantage of what they are doing ut these people are pushing along. They had everyone in the family out there working hard to make enough money to support the family. In Amerikkka don't feel that children would work as hard as these people if they were in the same situation.


leida m. said...

That is great point that you bring up; children in America cannot work, yet they are the ones that contribute to the packaged organic coffee that we drink as Americans. It dosent sound right does it. It is funny because we really do not take advantage of our daily lives while others across countries have worst situations in which are part of their dayt to day lives.

Native Women in Traditional & Contemporary Societies~~Critical Readings & Perspectives said...

Spelling correction:
"Chiapas", not 'Chipas'.

--Margo Tamez